I'm up early again, breaking down my tent and packing up to move from the east side of Glacier to the west. After a week straight of camping, I'm thinking it's time for some "R&R" at a hotel...a hot shower, a few cocktails and a meal prepared by someone else...simple pleasures that we take for granted.
To get to Wes Glacier, I've got to go up and over the Continental Divide (Rockies) through Logan Pass. Those familiar with last year's Alaska Blog know well my fear of heights...I am NOT looking forward to this drive. In the end, it's not so bad...I'm taking the "Going to the Sun" Highway or, as I have renamed it, the "Going to Your Doom Highway"...some construction, a few "looks" down a thousand feet or so, but I'm soon up and over the pass.
I'd thought that I might stay at the Lake McDonald Lodge, but they're booked solid. They recommend the Belton Chalet, so head over there. It's a great place to stay, built in 1910 by the Great Northern Railway to house passengers to the park. First off, I immediately take a 45 minute shower...I can not describe how good that felt
A local 1 Hour Photo has Internet access, so I post a few Blog entries. Photos are, however, out of the question...they have "upload limits" and my photo files are too large...I'll revise and rpos later.
Back at the Belton, I head for the bar for a few cocktails and interesting conversation. My bartender, Brad, is friendly enough, and soon I meet Darlene from Maine...so we spend some time debating whether Boothbay or New Harbor have better lobsters, as well as the relative merits of wild Maine Blueberries vs. Montana huckleberries...great fun. But the big coup"of the evening is meeting Rich Thompson (courtesy of Darlene). Rich is a local schoolteacher and "icon"...he's a great proponent of all that's good about West Montana. When I mention that I'll be heading down to Yellowstone, he promises to plot me out and interesting and "off the beaten path" route. Soon we've got maps spread all over the bar, and my pocket is full of cocktail napkins containing Rich's routes and suggsted places to stop and eat and/or imbibe.
I's a fun evening...all the more so after a great grilled New York Strip with mashed potatoes all washed down with a bottle of Argentinian Malbec, several Heinekens, and a glass of Port. Happy, full and tipsy, I slip off to sleep in a REAL bed for the firs time in over the week. It is VERY comfortable!
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