When you go to bed around 9:00PM, it's tough to really "sleep in"...so...I'm up early before sunrise this morning. I make coffee in the French Press, apply more mosquito repellent, listen to the news in the Escape until sunrise.
I've got some "food prep" to do today, so I'm on that early. I make up a batch of Tandoori marinade and throw in a package of boneless chicken thighs...I take the pound of U-12 shrimp that Mark and Faith were kind enough to provide and throw it in a bag with half a bottle of Mojo Criollo marinade. The other half a bottle goes into another bag with the two pieces of skirt steak that I bought at Publix.
My "chores" completed, I do a little scouting around at the Flamingo Campground. My site is only a few hundred feet from the water...a large bay flecked with little islands or "Keys". There's not much of a beach and what little there is, seems strewn with dead fish...I do not linger there.
Back at camp, I settle into a comfortable chair in the shade to continue reading that Lincoln biography...I can never seem to read enough about Lincoln.
Before long, it's 4:30PM...cocktail time! I drain a few of those Jose Cuervo "pre-mixed" Margaritas while I fire up the grill. When the coals are hot, I throw on a half pound of those wonderful shrimp...in the shell. They've only marinated a few hours so, while I get that garlicky/citrusy flavor from the marinade, it's mild enough to let the briny taste of the shrimp come through. With that, a few generous scoops of potato salad...and...a bottle of Kim Crawford "Unoaked" Chardonnay. No one, and I mean "no one", in the entire Everglades is eating as good as this.
By the time that clean up the dishes, it's already dark...more mosquitoes. So...more repellent and back into the Escape for a few beers and some news. By the way...that guy from Massachusetts?...he won by five points after being behind by 40 just four weeks ago.
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