Everything looks fine outside this morning...but looks can definitely be deceiving. "It" is coming, and there is no avoiding "it". Before the first flake even falls, they already have a name for it..."Snowpocalypse". It's going to start sometime tonight and continue well into tomorrow...18"-24".
Dave, Marschia and I had talked about going into Philadelphia for dinner at a place called Tintos...one of my favorite places. But, even though it's only fifty miles or so, we decide that it's best to stay closer to home as we await the arrival of Snowpacolypse.
Marschia's school is open today, but it's a short day with teachers only...and...she's off the rest of the week in anticipation of the snow. Dave and I are going grocery shopping, but first, we have a little breakfast stop. We're at Helen's Sausage House...a Delaware legend. Dave orders two pork chop sandwiches, and they are huge! I opt for the scrapple and egg sandwich with aside of sausage. It's all good...really good...particularly the homemade scrapple. Scrapple is one of many things that Philadelphia is famous for...it's scraps of pork finely ground with spices (including black pepper) and cornmeal...and shaped into a "brick". You slice it about a 1/4" to a 1/2" and fry it in a frying pan until the outside is brown and crispy. I like mine with ketchup, but some people prefer maple syrup.
After breakfast, we head over to the grocery store to stock up before the big blizzard...Dave's carrying out most of his second pork chop. I buy ten pounds of scrapple (Habbersett's...it's the best). I also have a craving for egg, but it's now out of season...hmm...maybe "homemade" is in order.
Marschia is home around 5:00PM, and we all decide to go out for dinner locally...Italian. The snow has started to fall and, by the time that we leave for dinner, there's already more than an inch on the ground. Dinner is good...I have "Greek-style" pasta with shrimp, tomato, feta cheese and olives. As we head home after dinner, the driving is "tricky"...there's now around four inches on the ground.
When we get home, Marschia and I make some homemade egg nog...I'm printing the recipe below...
Rob Kasper’s Eggnog For Folks Going Nowhere
Makes 8 to 10 cups
• 2 cups bourbon
• 1-1/8 cups sugar
• 6 egg yolks, beaten
• 4 cups whipping cream
Blend bourbon and sugar in a mixing bowl. Let sit overnight if you can wait. If not, don’t worry. Beat egg yolks until they approach viscous yellow bliss. Add to bourbon mixture. Mix well. Cover and let sit in refrigerator at least 2 hours. Whip cream and add to bourbon mixture. Nog starts off very creamy and becomes soupy the longer it survives.
It turns out great...even if we were unable to "wait" for the recommended periods. A couple of glasses of that, and I'm ready for bed. The snow is falling heavier now.