Monday, August 9, 2010

Camping Out West...Day 53...Sunday, August 8, 2010...A Wretched Day

OK...53 days on the road, and I've been very fortunate so far in terms of weather...until today.
At 6:30AM, I'm up making coffee and planning another day. I'm thinking of some hiking up here in the mountains...the McGurk Meadows Trail looks good if my guidebook is accurate.
But it's very cloudy...and without the sun, it's in the high 40's, maybe low 50's. Still...I figure that I'll warm up on the hike.
At around 8:00AM, the rain starts...nothing heavy, just a steady drizzle. But it doesn't drizzles all day. So, no drive to the Valley. It's a day spent, alternately, in the Escape or the camper. I read all day, but it's no fun. Not even a dose of my new "medicine" is enough to pull me out of a deep, shall we say, "funk". Well...every day can't b perfect.
Around 5:00PM, the drizzle stops, but it's still plenty cool outside. Over a cocktail, I'm listening to my iPod...something "uplifting". Another grilled steak and corn on the cob for dinner.
I was careful to put my firewood under cover last night, so it's not wet. It is, however, a fire takes some extra work tonight. Siting around the fire, I decide that this day/night calls for my favorite "sad music"..."Year of the Cat" (reminds me of Niles), "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" (reminds me of my second wife)...and so on.
Thus sufficiently "saddened", I head off to bed.
No photos with this post...too dark...too gloomy.
Ah...but there's always tomorrow when the sun promises to reappear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Chin up, Bill - look at all the fabulous weather you've had!~
You should have gone down and read a good book in the lobby of the Ahwahnee!!