As I crawl out of the tent this morning, I'm thinking that I probably did not need that last glass of CatDaddy "Moonshine" before bed last night. This morning, we're going on a "Geo Hike" down along the shore here at Five Islands.
Coffee and a breakfast bar, along with a bottle of Gatorade help to restore my shattered electrolyte system. Since it's a "beach hike", I opt for deck shoes over hiking boots (big mistake).
At 10:00AM, we're down on the beach with the curator of the Fundy Bay Geological Museum (Tom Adams). He is an incredibly knowledgeable guy...explaining the layers visible in the they formed, how old they are, etc. About two hours in, we start climbing over slippery rocks, boulders, etc...enough for me. Brenda and Ed continue on, but I retire for a nice long shower and shave...add clean clothes to that, and it's a great day.
Around 2:00PM, Brenda and Ed return, and we head into the town of Parrsboro for lunch at the Harborview restaurant (a local favorite)...fried clams (yum), cheeseburger, wonderful coconut cream pie and shortcake...whoa...Dude!...I'm stuffed.
After lunch, it's a short drive to the Dutchman's Cheese Shop...home of local gouda and a great blue cheese...we all buy some. We also get lost in Parrsboro and, in the process of turning around, discover an old "Powder Magazine" from the War of 1812 along with a solitary grave...very historic!
Back at camp, we've got time to relax and enjoy a cocktail (or two) before dinner. As stuffed as we were, we're hungry again a few hours later. I'm making eggplant parmesan (Ah...simple camping fare). Peel, slice and salt the eggplant, fry in olive oil, layer in baking pan with diced tomatoes, Monterey Jack and oregano...then into the new Coleman Camp Oven to works like a charm! A nice bottle of Nero d'Avola completes a great meal...all the greater for having been prepared "in the wild".
After dinner, more wine and my new favorite beer...Molson "Cold Shots"...250ml beauties at 8% alcohol...all of the buzz without all of those annoying bathroom breaks. We've met a very nice couple camping next to us, Wayne and Nanacy...he from Newfoundland (originally) and both now living outside of Halifax. They invite all of us over to enjoy a few beers and a warm campfire...along with some very helpful information about Newfoundland. I just can not say enough good things about the people up here. After researching this trip, I heard about how friendly people up here's all true...and more.
Soon, it's after 11:00PM...long drives for everyone tomorrow...sleep is welcome.
Ed's Sidebar, Day 24:
Camping Maxim 9: Never traverse a boulder field in deck shoes.
We are in a time vortex today. No matter how long we drive, we can still see Cape Blomidan. Surely it is sacred ground, protected by those terrible winds.
They say part of Nova Scotia came from Morocco, possibly like a boat. Stare at the ocean long enough, and you can still see the wake. Time has its own perspective on things.
Who says climate change can't happen? Here we have Nova Scotia and Morocco, the Hatfield and McCoy of geology, no longer friendly neighbors. We have robins here, and camels there. Something changed.
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