Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Out West Day 34...Monday, August 24, 2009...The Final Stretch

I am up really early this morning...on the road at 6:00AM. Last year, I drove an extra hundred miles or so longer than whatI've got today...and it took me eighteen hours. Not today.
My first "break"...as I leave Albert Lea, I'm not enveloped in "pea soup" fog like last year...it's clear sailing through Minnesota, around Minneapolis and across the river into Wisconsin. This being Monday, I don't hit "Wisconsin Dells" traffic like last year, so I'm rolling south.
Into Illinois and through Rockford (home of my now-former company's LATO operation... lots of fun times in Rockford). Approaching Chicago, traffic is moderate (as opposed to last year's snail's pace) and I'm through the city in nothing flat.
Soon, I'm across the border into Michigan...unlike last year, no major construction delays...everything is breaking my way.
At 6:30PM, I'm pulling into my driveway...I've "shaved" almost six hours over last year's pace.
Now in my house, I note with pleasure that there are no unpleasant surprises like last year...nothing stolen, nothing moved, nothing damaged. My friend and neighbor, Spike, has done her job and done it well...and for that, I thank her.
The cats are glad to see me...at least so far as they are capable of that...as cats.
It is good...VERY good...to be home again.

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