Monday, September 3, 2012

"The Way West"...Day 79...Friday, August 31, 2012

Well...nobody's up and about too early this morning. It was close to 1:00AM when we finally staggered off to bed after a night of beers, shots, wonder I'm feeling a bit "fuzzy".
Roger's got coffee brewed , and that helps to clear a few of the "cobwebs". I bought a dozen or so "Hatch chiles" somewhere along the line, and this morning they're going into breakfast. I make a dish that I learned from my friend, Bill Lamping...Migas. It's diced onions and chiles sauteed in butter, then add beaten eggs (with a healthy dollop of hot sauce)...then some grated cheese...and, finally, a handful of crushed Tostitos. It's just what we all need this morning.
One of our campmates, Molly, stops by for a Bloody Mary...and that's great because I like Molly. She's attractive, intelligent and has a very engaging personality. She's splitting her time between work and college...and you can tell right away that she's got lots and lots of potential. I also have a Bloody Mary.
After breakfast, Roger and I head out shopping...we need dog food for their dog, Blue, as well as some groceries and ice. Even though everything is relatively close, our shopping trip seems to take most of the day. Back at camp, we all settle in for extended naps.
Around 5:30PM, we set off for "Uncle Julio's" restaurant in Fort Worth. We are meeting an old friend, Karen and her husband for dinner. Gretchen and I knew Karen back in our "Notre Dame days"...1973 1nd 1974. She was, at that time, married to one of my classmates in the MBA program. Now she's married to a great guy, Bill, and has two sons just out of college. One attended Texas A&M, so they are big fans.
We all have a great time at dinner. Our friends from UM games, Angelo and Mary Beth, meet us...and several of Karen and Bill's friends are there as well. Needless to say, there's lots of retelling of old stories and jokes...great fun.
Back at camp, there's not a lot of partying going on. We have a beer or the MSU/Boise State game.
Sleep...much needed sleep...comes early.

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