Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"North to Alaska"...Day 16...Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm up at 5:30 this morning, but Cousin Bill doesn't roll out until after 7:00...a little too much "medicine" perhaps.
A little after 8:00, we arrive at the border crossing to Canada. Few can forget my "ordeal" with Canadian Customs two years ago crossing from Maine into New Brunswick. A four and a half hour "nightmare during which I was intensely interrogated and had my car partly disassembled. I ended up paying $480.00 in duties and "penalties", I was given a "warning" for giving a false statement to a Customs Officer...this was pure harassment, but it stays on my "record" for seven years.
So...I am uneasy crossing the border this morning. I have a list which sets forth every single cigar and every drop of mistakes this time. I get asked some questions about the "size" of the bottles of liquor and wine, and the nice Customs lady makes a cursory inspection of my vehicle. And then...we're penalties...just "have a nice trip". New Brunswick could learn a lot from Saskatchewan.
Then we're rolling through some of the flattest land in North America...huge fields of wheat just starting to pop up. A few stops for gas and a stretch...a brief thunderstorm.
We are now in the town of Swift Current. We've gotten Canadian currency, ice, postcards. It is extremely windy here's blown hard all day. So...we have opted for a night at a Days Inn. There's a Casino next store which is supposed to serve great Prime Rib.
I'm in.

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